Age Kärssin defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic of Trichinella species found in Estonian wild boars

On May 15, 2024, Age Kärssin, the leading specialist in animal health at the LABRIS risk assessment department, successfully defended her dissertation titled "Trichinella species in wild animals in Estonia" at the Estonian University of Life Sciences.

The research for the dissertation was conducted in collaboration between the Estonian University of Life Sciences and the National Centre for Laboratory Research and Risk Assessment (formerly the Veterinary and Food Laboratory). Significant contributions to the success of the research were made by partners from the Estonian Hunters' Society, the Environmental Board, the Agriculture and Food Board, the Agricultural Registers and Information Board, Eesti Põllumajandusloomade Jõudluskontrolli AS, and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Italy).

The dissertation supervisors were collaborating scientists from Denmark, Dr. Brian Lassen (National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark) and Associate Professor Dr. Pikka Jokelainen (Infectious Disease Preparedness, Statens Serum Institut). The public defense of the dissertation took place on May 15, 2024, with Professor Karsten Nöckler from the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment in Germany serving as the opponent.

As a result of the successful defense, Age Kärssin was awarded a Doctor of Philosophy degree in veterinary science.

The dissertation can be accessed in the Estonian University of Life Sciences digital archive EMÜ DSpace:

 Age Kärssin doktorikraad

Photo: The newly awarded doctor Age Kärssin (center), dissertation supervisor Dr. Brian Lassen (right), and co-supervisor Associate Professor Pikka Jokelainen (left)

More information:
Age Kärssin
Leading Specialist of Risk Assessment Department
tel 5648 9526
email age.karssin[at]