

Product code Analyte Unit Cost (€) VAT (22%) Total sum (€) 
LAB00081 Identification of bacterial isolate by MALDI-TOF MS isolate 6,35 1,40 7,75
LAB02276 Sequence analysis of pathogens   61,77 13,59 75,36
LAB03025 Illumina MiSeq Usage (cycle up to 60 hours)   92,70 20,39 113,09
LAB03026 Illumina MiSeq Usage (each subsequent hour)   1,39 0,31 1,70
LAB03002 Storage of bacterial isolate at -80°C 5 years isolate 15,00 3,30 18,30
LAB03030 Extraction of test report testreport 10,00 2,20 12,20
LAB03029 Issuing of a supplementary laboratory report (testing for movement of animals) testreport 21,87 4,81 26,68
LAB03031 Consultation 1 hour 32,43 7,13 39,56