Targad analüütilised lahendused




(avaldatud rahvusvahelistes eelretsenseeritavates teadusajakirjades)

Kärssin, A., Häkkinen, L., Vilem, A., Jokelainen, P., Lassen, B., 2021. Trichinella spp. in Wild Boars (Sus scrofa), Brown Bears (Ursus arctos), Eurasian Lynxes (Lynx lynx) and Badgers (Meles meles) in Estonia, 2007–2014. Animals 11, 183. doi.org/10.3390/ani11010183.

Kärssin, A., Remes, N., Korge, K., Viigipuu, M., Stensvold, C.R., Gómez-Morales, M.A., Ludovisi, A., Jokelainen, P., Lassen, B., 2021. Herbivores as accidental hosts for Trichinella: Search for evidence of Trichinella infection and exposure in free-ranging moose (Alces alces) in a highly endemic settings. J. Wildl. Dis. 57, 116−124. doi.org/10.7589/JWD-D-19-00011.

Kuus, K., Kramarenko, T., Sõgel, J., Mäesaar, M., Fredriksson-Ahomaa, M., Roasto, M., 2021. Prevalence and Serotype Diversity of Salmonella enterica in the Estonian Meat Production Chain in 2016–2020. Pathog. 10, 1−9. doi.org/10.3390/pathogens10121622.

Gallardo, C., Soler, A., Nurmoja, I., Cano-Gómez, C., Cvetkova, S., Frant, M., Woźniakowski, G., Simón, A., Pérez, C., Nieto, R., Arias, M., 2021. Dynamics of African swine fever virus (ASFV) infection in domestic pigs infected with virulent, moderate virulent and attenuated genotype II ASFV European isolates. Transbound. Emerg. Dis. 68, 2826– 2841. doi.org/10.1111/tbed.14222 

Schulz, K., Schulz, J., Staubach, C., Blome, S., Nurmoja, I., Conraths, F.J., Sauter-Louis, C., Viltrop, A., 2021. African Swine Fever Re-Emerging in Estonia: The role of seropositive wild boar from an epidemiological perspective. Viruses 13, 2121. doi.org/10.3390/v13112121

Herm, R., Kirik, H., Vilem, A., Zani, L., Forth, J.H., Müller, A., Michelitsch, A., Wernike, K., Werner, D., Tummeleht, L., Kampen, H., Viltrop, A., 2021. No evidence for African swine fever virus DNA in haematophagous arthropods collected at wild boar baiting sites in Estonia. Transbound. Emerg. Dis. doi.org/10.1111/tbed.14013.

Duquesne, V., Gastaldi, C., Del Cont, A., Cougoule, N., Bober, A., Brunain, M., Chioveanu, G., Demicoli, N., Paulus, P. D., Somalo, P. F., Filipova, M., Forsgren, E., Granato, A., Gurgulova, K., Heinikainen, S., Kärssin, A., Kinduriene, I., Köglberger, H., Oureilidis, K., … Franco, S., 2021. An international inter-laboratory study on Nosema spp. spore detection and quantification through microscopic examination of crushed honey bee abdomens. J. Microbiol. Methods. 184, 106183. doi.org/10.1016/j.mimet.2021.106183

Umhang, G., Bastid, V., Avcioglu, H,. Bagrade, G., Bujanić, M., Čabrilo, O.B., Casulli, A., Dorny, P., van der Giessen, J., Guven, E.,; Harna, J., Karamon, J., Kharchenko, V., Knapp, J., Kolarova, L., Konyaev, S., Laurimaa, L., Losch, S., Miljević, M., Miterpakova, M., Moks, E., Romig, T., Saarma, U., Snabel, V., Sreter, T., Valdmann, H., Boue, F., 2021. Unravelling the genetic diversity and relatedness of Echinococcus multilocularis isolates in Eurasia using the EmsB microsatellite nuclear marker. Infect. Genet. Evol. 92, 104863. doi.org/10.1016/j.meegid.2021.104863.


Peatükid või artikkel raamatus või kogumikus

Gallardo, C., Sastre, P., Rueda, P., Gerilovych, A.P., Kit, M., Nurmoja, I., Le Potier, M.F., 2021. 5. Methods for African swine fever diagnosis in clinical and environmental samples. In: Iacolina, L., Penrith, M.L., Bellini, S., Chenais, E., Jori, F., Montoya, M., Ståhl, K., Gavier-Widén, D. (Ed.). Understanding and combatting African Swine Fever, 141−160. The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers. doi.org/10.3920/978-90-8686-910-7_5.

Kaitstud väitekirjad

Nurmoja, I. 2021. Sigade Aafrika katku epidemioloogia Eestis ja ühe viirustüve iseloomustus (Epidemiology of African swine fever in Estonia and characterization of one virus strain). Eesti Maaülikool. Väitekiri filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks loomaarstiteaduse erialal. https://doi.org/10.15159/emu.73


Ettekanded rahvusvahelistel erialakonverentsidel ning koosolekutel

Niine, T., Viltrop, A., Nurmoja, I., Smith, R., Burow, E., 2021. Salmonella in slaughterhouse!? What would be the right questions in that situation? Conference: Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine (SVEPM). 24.-26.03.2021. (Stendiettekanne).

Kärssin, A., Häkkinen, L., Vilem, A., Moks, E., Jokelainen, P., Lassen, B., 2021. Trichinella spp. in lynxes (Lynx lynx) in Estonia. 9th Conference of the Scandinavian - Baltic Society for Parasitology. 21.–23.04.2021 Vilnius, Leedu (Stendiettekanne).

Tedersoo, T., Roasto, M., Meremäe, K., 2021. The prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter spp. isolated from fresh broiler chicken meat at Estonian retail level. I International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Problems and Achievements of Modern Biotechnology”. 25.03.2021. Ministry of Health of Ukraine and National University of Pharmacy, Department of Biotechnology. National University of Pharmacy of Ukraine.

Koskar, J., Meremäe, K., Kramarenko, T., Roasto, M., 2021. The prevalence and concentration of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat fish products in Estonia. I International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Problems and Achievements of Modern Biotechnology”. 25.03.2021. Ministry of Health of Ukraine and National University of Pharmacy, Department of Biotechnology. National University of Pharmacy of Ukraine.

Kärssin, A., Jokelainen, P., Lassen, B., 2021. Trichinella spp. in key host species in Estonia. One Health EJP Annual Scientific Meeting. 09.-11.06.2021. Copenhagen/online. (Stendiettekanne).

Tedersoo, T., Roasto, M., Meremäe, K., 2021. The prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter spp. Isolated from fresh broiler chicken meat sold at Estonian retail. One Health EJP Annual Scientific Meeting. 09.-11.06.2021. Copenhagen/online. (Stendiettekanne).

Niine, T.; Viltrop, A.; Nurmoja, I.; Smith, R.; Burow, E. (2021). Identification of the best biosecurity practices in slaughterhouse in regards to Salmonella and hepatitis E virus. One Health EJP Annual Scientific Meeting. 09.-11.06.2021. Copenhagen/online. (Stendiettekanne).

Schulz, J., Schulz, K., Staubach, C., Nurmoja, I., Conraths, F.J., Sauter Louis, C., Viltrop, A., 2021. African swine fever and the role of serological positive wild boar in Estonia – epidemiological considerations. Konverents: DACH Epidemiologietagung „Epidemiologie und Sozialwissenschaften“. 01.-03.09.2021. Bern.

Vilem, A., 2021. Molecular activities in food safety in Estonia. 12.11.2021. Webinar: Microbial genomics and molecular food safety. Organized by Department of Food Safety and Quality, Veterinary Faculty, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania and Institute of Food Safety and Food Hygiene, Department of Veterinary Medicine at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.


Ettekanded ja loengud siseriiklikel üritustel (konverentsid, koolitused, õppepäevad)

Tedersoo, T., Roasto, M., Sõgel, J., Meremäe, K., 2021. Kampülobakterid liha tootmise ahelas. Konverentsi „Terve loom ja tervislik toit 2021“ artiklite kogumik: Terve Loom ja Tervislik Toit, Eesti Maaülikool, Tartu, 03.-04.03.2021. Eesti Maaülikool: Eesti Maaülikool, 53−61.

Koskar J., Roasto, M., Meremäe, K., 2021. Listeria monocytogenes’e esinemine lihatoodetes. Konverentsi „Terve loom ja tervislik toit 2021“ artiklite kogumik: Terve Loom ja Tervislik Toit, Eesti Maaülikool, Tartu, 03.-04.03.2021. Eesti Maaülikool: Eesti Maaülikool, 44−52.

Moks, E., 2021. Trihhinella uuringud ja ehhinokokkide projekti tulemused. Jahimeeste infopäev, 26.10.2021, Rakvere ja 27.10.2021, Tartu. Korraldaja: Eesti Jahimeeste Selts.

Mähar, K., 2021. SAK analüüside kokkuvõte. Proovide võtmine, pakendamine ja laborisse saatmine. Jahimeeste infopäev, 26.10.2021, Rakvere ja 27.10.2021, Tartu. Korraldaja: Eesti Jahimeeste Selts. 

Koskar, J., 2021. Taimsete lisandite mõju lihatoodete säilimisele kompleksse kestvuskatse näitel“. Konverents „Veterinaarmeditsiin“ 29.10.2021. 

Muud elektroonilised publikatsioonid

Koskar, J., Anton, D., Raudsepp, P., Meremäe, K., Kramarenko, T., Roasto, M., 2021. Listeria monocytogenes ja selle kasvupotentsiaal taimsete lisanditega rikastatud RTE lihatoodetes. 1−1.

Tedersoo, T., Roasto, M., Meremäe, K., 2021. Termofiilsed kampülobakterid. 1−1.